The flower of sex

... for my youth is in her flower and my strength is not to be extinguished with man.

– Daughter of Fortitude, in a vision received by Edward Kelley and Dr. John Dee on 23rd May 1587

Flower on fire

As an artist, dancer and practitioner of magic, I have oriented my work around the carnal body and its mysteries, what I have termed the occulted body. Beginning with a brief explanation of my conception of the body, its inherent potentials and vulnerabilities – by which we can decipher its self-making and self-unmaking – I will address why I believe it is central to a radically transformative magic. To this end I will give an insight into my practice, specifically in relation to trance states, techniques to alter consciousness, to move and be moved within such states. I explore the resonances and tensions between the states of consciousness one experiences in dance and performance, and those of sexual trance.

To conclude, I show how my practice, both performance and private ritual, is grounded in an erotic theology and eschatology of Babalon, ‘the mother of harlots and abominations’ – in my understanding a post- or anti-Christian incarnation of the feminine divine.


Photo: From ‘the girl gathers flowers’ The decollation of flowers, Benevento 2016.

An audio recording of my talk ‘Flower on Fire (Sex. Dance. Heresy)’ for the first Magickal Women Conference. Due to the limitation on time, it was I cut much of the material I intended to use. An extensive treatment of this subject will be published in Antimony. With thanks to Chaweon Koo for making the recording.


Mantic visions


Where the daimon dwells