Elektra laments

Dance of a Tragic Figure
Imalis Center for Ancient Hellenic Theatre
Epidauros, 2013

O thou pure sunlight, and thou air, earth’s canopy, how often have ye heard the strains of my lament, the wild blows dealt against this bleeding breast, when dark night fails!

– Elektra, Sophocles

O home of Hades and Persephone! O Hermes of the shades! potent Curse, and ye, dread daughters of the gods, Erinyes, Ye who behold when a life is reft by violence, when a bed is dishonoured by stealth – come, help me, avenge the murder of my sire, and send to me my brother…

– Elektra, Sophocles

Created during research at the Imalis Center for Ancient Hellenic Theatre, Epidauros: Dance of a Tragic Figure: An Orphic Descent into the Ancient Role; with Atsushi Takenouchi and Vasilios Arabos.

